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COVID-19 cases have been rising rapidly in the last two weeks but Dr. Mark Baker wants to help slash the spread of the virus once and for all, and bring an end to restrictions and lockdowns, with his innovative new home test. 

Many may be feeling helpless in the face of COVID, worried about the NHS or frustrated by restrictions and the threat of another lockdown, but this new test could end the crisis sooner rather than later – by solving the dilemma between suppressing the virus and protecting social life and jobs.

The new test has the potential to detect the virus up to two weeks earlier than others, before symptoms show, and for people to test themselves at home as often as every day. Test results come through on your smartphone in about 30 seconds – there are no labs involved.

Dr. Mark Baker, a former cancer scientist believes it’s the answer to the Prime Minister’s ‘moonshot’ quest. People will be able to test themselves at home before going out to work, or to the pub, and self-isolate straight away if they are infected, rather than days later. This would hugely cut down the pre-symptom spread of the virus, allowing society to operate without restrictions and lockdowns, saving jobs, businesses and the inevitable toll on mental health.

The Government has allocated a grant of £262,000 towards funding the remaining work needed to get the test out to the public, but now the project has to raise additional cash to fund the next few months of work, before being able to claim part of it back from the grant.

Dr. Mark Baker explained: “Businesses, organisations and individuals can help this become reality by spreading the word and contributing, if they can, towards the initial cash needed.

“We would ideally like to get this out to health workers and vulnerable people first and foremost, but it will cover the rest of us too. The vision would then be to help the developing countries where they don’t have the facilities for the current tests. The Crowdfunder allows anyone to make a donation of any size, or to pre-order test kits for £20. And because some of the initial funds needed will be reclaimed from the grant, there is also the opportunity to make loans.

“If enough funds are raised now and the project is successful, it could make a dramatic difference this winter – to the NHS, jobs, business owners, keeping our schools open, and even just being able to see our friends and families – not to mention the lives saved”. 

To help get this innovative test off the ground, please visit the fundraising page found at and make a donation or help us spread further awareness. 

Anyone interested in making a loan should contact Beth Hawthorne